Monday, August 17, 2009

The Relationship Between Papaya and Weight Loss

It is always stressed out that eating healthy is the way to have a good diet. The question though is what are the fresh fruits and vegetables that should be eaten by those who want to go to a diet. Actually, there has been a clamor going around that papaya and weight loss have a special relationship. There are also studies that suggest that same is true and that there is a significant correlation between eating papaya and losing weight. Despite the nutritional benefits of papaya, not too many are aware of its benefits when it comes to weight loss solutions.

Papaya is a fruit that has a musky taste and it sometimes tastes bit like pineapples and peaches. The papaya has a soft texture and has a yellow-orange flesh. If the papaya not yet ripe, its skin is green. Once ripe, the skin is soft and yellow-orange in color and once you open the papaya, its flesh is colored amber or orange. The good thing about this fruit is that it is very easy to prepare. You can just simply slice the whole papaya and then scoop the flesh. Many dietitians have papaya and weight loss program in their diet programs.

Perhaps you are wondering by now why Papaya and weight loss are linked together because it is source of vitamin A and C. Aside from those vitamins, the papaya is a source of fiber and potassium. These nutrients help the cardiovascular system and protect the colon from cancer. This fruit is cholesterol free, fat free and is very low in calories. Papaya is said to contain papain which is also used for tenderizing meat. Some claim that papain breaks down protein. Some people exaggerate this characteristic of papain and claim that it increases metabolism and digestion. There are also those who say that it is not an exaggeration but a truth. Nonetheless there are living proofs to the fact that papaya and weight loss are greatly correlated.

Aside from these amazing properties, the papaya seeds are used to treat stomachache and fungal infections. There are also number of skin diseases that can be treated by papaya and its content. The fruit is also used for skin sores while roots are analgesics. Papaya is a fruit that will keep you healthy. Because of its low calories and high fibers, it makes a perfect fruit to compliment a diet especially for those who want to lose weight. Nevertheless, do not easily believe that it can miraculously cure your weight problems. Just like any weight loss regimen, it would not work unless you also impose discipline on your self and try to keep track of your diet. Also, try mixing the papaya with other fruits and vegetables in your diet.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Why Don't You Try Army Recruiter Diet For Quick Weight Loss?

If you want to get into a weight loss program and you still have not figured out what program would that be, then you better check for an army diet. Anyone who wants to get rid of their fat fast must try any kind of army recruiter diet for quick weight loss and for your self the benefits that this army diet can bring. Many people try those diets advised by army recruiters as they claim to have miraculous effects in days. Army diets are designed to strip away the unnecessary fats in the body in time for the training in boot camp. It is the fastest way to loss fat intended for those who want to enter the military service. However, those who want to have fast result may also try any military recruiter diet.

The army recruiter diet is not as popular as those of the other weight loss program and yet it is one of the most traditional programs for those who are into diets. The program is aimed to impose upon those who enlist into this kind of program the discipline that is also imposed upon the military men and women who achieved the body built that is required of them under the military service curriculum. The program at first may sound very restrictive at first try but as you go through the process, it will just sound like ordinary learning process of dieting the military way and that is through the army recruiter diet for quick weight loss.

There are many kinds of military diet and the army recruiter advices the army recruiter diet for quick weight loss so that the recruits will be in shape for training the fastest way possible. One example of this is the mayo diet plan which is a diet involves 2 eggs, 2 slices of bacon, 2 glasses water, and 4oz unsweetened grapefruit juice for breakfast. For lunch, you will have salad, meat, 4 oz grapefruit juice and dinner is same as lunch except that another veggie instead of salad is prepared. There is nothing special with the diet; it's just that you have to eat the same kind of food for days to get the immediate results that you want to attain. The science behind this diet is actually low carbohydrate and low calorie intake.

The army recruiter diet may sound desperate but you can try if you have the guts of an army. Even military health professionals test this military diet so there is nothing to worry about and the military nutritionists have studied to keep the armed forces fit for the worst conditions of war and peace. Nonetheless, though what may work for them, may work for you too, before you engage in any diet or weight loss program, it is advised to consult your doctor.